Hello, this is Hengfei(the link for google sites).
I am a faculty member at Beihang University. I did my postdoc training continuously at Universitat Wien, Weizmann Institute of Science and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai. I finished my Ph.D. study at Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore in 2017.
I am interested in the relative local Langlands correspondence.
Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2012--2017
Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, China, 2010--2012
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, China, 2006--2010
Papers and Preprints
Modulo l distinction problems for GL(2) and SL(2). with Peiyi Cui and Thomas Lanard, arXiv
Multiplicity one for the pair (GL(n,D),GL(n,E)). Transform. Groups 28(2023), No.2 853--866.
The action of a mirabolic subgroup on a symmetric variety. J. Algebra 589(2022) 323--344.
The generalized linear period. J. Number Theory 233 (2022) 261--284
Vanishing of certain equivariant distributions on spherical spaces for quasi-split groups. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 226 (2022), No.3, ID:106870.
The distinction problems for Sp(4) and SO(3,3). Forum Math. 33 (2021), No. 2, 321--337.
The GSp(1,1)(A)-distinguished representations, Math. Zeit. 298 (2021), issue 1-2, 497 -- 519.
The Prasad conjectures for GSp(4) and PGSp(4), Algebra Number Theory, 14 (2020), No.9, 2417--2480.
The distinction problem for metaplectic case, Int. J. Number Theory. 16 (2020), issue 6, 1161–1183.
Some applications of theta correspondence to branching laws, Math. Res. Lett. 27 (2020), No.1, 243--263.
The SL(1,D)-distinction problem, Pacific J. Math. 300 (2019), No. 1, 65--82.
The Prasad conjectures for U(2), SO(4) and Sp(4). J. Number Theory 204 (2019), 211--245.
Theta correspondence and the Prasad conjecture for SL(2),
Pacific J. Math. 295 (2018), No.2, 477--498.
A New Proof to the Period Problems of GL(2),
J. Number Theory 180 (2017),1--25.
GSp(4)-period problems over a quadratic field extension,
Ph.D thesis, NUS, 2017.
Contact me
School of Mathematical Sciences,
Beihang University (Shahe Campus)
9 Nansan Street, Shahe Higher Education Park, Changping, Beijing 102206 P.R.C
Email: luhengfei [at] buaa [dot] edu [dot] cn